Infosys BPM

Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) is a crucial area for manufacturing. While MRO spend constitutes a significant percentage of the expenditure incurred by manufacturing plants, it also tends to soak up 70-80% of all transactions. Thus, focusing on MRO spend becomes crucial when targeting cost reduction, enhanced product quality, and ensuring production continuity.

This edition of Spendbytes looks into the cost-saving prowess of MRO vis-à-vis some of the reduction strategies and market trends. We also feature a case study, wherein we enabled an automobile giant to record 40% hard savings in the MRO category.

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MRO supplies


Lack of proper MRO supplies can lead to nearly 42% of unplanned downtime. Companies are now looking at new ways to effectively manage MRO to achieve cost savings.

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Infosys BPM helped a leading automobile manufacturer deliver close to 40% in hard savings and another 45% in soft savings.

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Automobile Manufacturer
Detailed Distribution and Geographic Coverage


The global market for MRO is segmented by different types of solution providers. The insights offer a detailed distribution and geographic coverage for some of the top suppliers.

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