Infosys BPM

Like in every other sector, digital technology is changing the face of manufacturing also. Adoption of new technologies is seen as a major driving force in dealing with disruptions in production, combat process inefficiencies and, help scale capabilities. The manufacturing industry is also embracing advancements such as 3D-printing and 5G technology to digitize the entire cycle.

This edition of SpendBytes focusses on few of such ground-breaking trends in manufacturing. Our thought leaders also share their views on the growing influence of smart wearables and 3D printing in the sector.

We hope you enjoy the edition.


Smart wearables market


The $USD 37 billion smart wearables market is poised to grow to a whopping $USD 164 billion by 2030. What is driving the growth?

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For the next phase of evolution, the manufacturing industry must keep pace with the prime enablers of smart manufacturing — Internet of Things and 5G networking.

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Internet of Things and 5G networking
3D printing market


The 3D printing market is expected to grow to $35 billion by 2027, thanks to an increased pace of adoption across industry verticals, including manufacturing.

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