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Sustainable procurement is about the integration of sustainability principles into an organisation’s procurement processes and decisions, whilst still meeting the requirements of the business on cost, quality, and performance. Amidst, while most procurement organisations would implement and perform sustainable procurement activities in some shape or form, for some, these activities are not linked to the objectives of a function, and that could in turn dilute the impact of implementing sustainable practices.

In this edition of Spendbytes, we feature interesting reads suggesting methods and measures that companies can incorporate to ensure successful adoption of sustainability. Additionally, the edition also highlights action points of the recently held United Nations Climate Conference, also known as COP26.




In general, mature procurement organisations have sustainability targets at the function level and are aligned with Corporate Sustainability objectives. However, organisations that are starting their sustainability journey only now, struggle to define the right targets for their businesses.

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Supply chain vulnerabilities continue to pose difficulties for companies and suppliers in meeting increasing levels of demand, record-long lead times, rising commodities prices, and hiccups in transporting products. It is thus crucial for businesses to address four deep-seated ideas immediately, to clear clogged supply chains.

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Knowing where and how to start can be difficult for organizations embarking on their sustainability journey. To kick start, the primary focus of procurement organizations should be on identifying possible areas in a supply chain where ESG data capabilities can be amplified.

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