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Infosys BPM

Amidst the recurring waves of COVID, procurement industry underwent some significant changes in 2021. While necessary ‘New Normal’ measures were taken to recoup from the losses incurred due to the pandemic shock, businesses focused equally on building resilience and becoming more agile for the future.

In this edition of SpendBytes, we bring an overview of these changes that have altered the procurement function for good, in terms of technology, methods, and strategies. The edition also features an interesting read on how improved procurement processes may just be the remedy for the disrupted pharma industry to thrive going forward. Lastly, we give a glimpse of the imperatives that procurement should look forward to in the new year.

Happy 2022!



The pandemic crisis imposed severe pressures on the pharma industry, which led the incumbents to trace the effect of unprecedented disruptions and identify the areas of improvement, to developing greater supply resilience.

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When it comes to procurement technology, what suits vendors may not suit the businesses. The path to best practice is to change what you are doing and start working according to the processes that are built into our system.

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Market Insight

Market Insights

With companies gradually moving towards a post-pandemic environment, there is an increased focus on building a resilient procurement strategy for a future-proof tomorrow.

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