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Infosys BPM

Procurement is undergoing significant transformation and increasingly becoming a strategic function in the success of an organization. However, while factors impacting procurement operations are studied at length, less attention is diverted towards the procurement workforce and how it is shaping amidst the rapid and colossal changes.

This edition of SpendBytes puts the spotlight on this very aspect and discusses the underlying factors that are transforming a procurement professional’s journey. This edition also presents a market insight that highlights nuances of the causes and its effects. Also read an engaging and valuable insight from our team in Portland, a four-part article series on understanding the importance of building high-performance teams an essential ingredient in the transformation journey.




With technology becoming the centre, existing roles in procurement are bound to change. The rapid changes have necessitated procurement teams to reassess workplace structures and job roles.

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Establishing a high-performing team proved to be the game-changer the leadership of the Government Commercial Organisation (GCO) had hoped for, which enabled the GCO to perform at a higher level.

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Market Insights

Market Insights

Recent advancement in automation will surpass the efficiency level of human workforce in future. If these advanced technologies also become cost effective, it is certain that automation may disrupt the entire supply chain.

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