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In 2024, sustainability is no longer a checkbox; it is interwoven into every facet of procurement. With companies embracing a holistic approach, integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors and technologies such as AI and blockchain into their sourcing strategies, the discussions now focus on identifying the next and beyond.

In this edition, we feature a few such articles that talk about aspects such as what the new ESG legislation entails for procurement professionals, , the essentiality of Scope 3 emissions in becoming sustainable, and things to remember while achieving Scope 3 emissions targets.

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The ESG heat dome

The ESG heat dome

In today’s world where waves of ESG legislation are putting pressure on the management, we talk about the heightened role of NextGen procurement.

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Overcoming the orthodoxy, filling the gap

While most organisations are making solid progress on Scope 1 and 2 emissions, they are struggling with Scope 3 emissions, thereby forming a gap between intention and action. To be ESG-aligned, procurement shouldn’t simply be sustainable for the sake of it.

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Overcoming the orthodoxy, filling the gap
Strengthening the net-zero target

Strengthening the net-zero target

Often, Scope 3 emissions represent most of an organisation’s emissions. Reduction of Scope 3 emissions through strategic procurement can be a testament to the transformative power of sustainable practices in shaping a greener and more responsible future.

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