
The world of procurement is constantly evolving. As we move into the new year, this edition of SpendBytes explores key procurement trends we witnessed this year and their relevance, how organizations can develop best-in-class Supplier Market Intelligence (SMI) and how artificial intelligence could change the way procurement teams negotiate.

We hope you enjoy reading!


Procurement Trends 2018 Round Up


Procurement Trends 2018 Round Up

Procurement is undergoing a major transformation. Learn the game-changing events and trends that Procurement witnessed this year and their relevance.

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SMI for New Age Procurement

The prominence of Supplier Market Intelligence (SMI) has grown steadily over the years. Learn the key considerations and recommendations for developing a best-in-class SMI.

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SMI for New Age Procurement
Artificial Intelligence in Procurement - Case Study


AI enabled Negotiations: Are we on board yet?

Negotiation is a highly valued skill for procurement professional as it delivers the most critical outcome - Savings. Learn how advancements in Artificial Intelligence could change the way procurements team negotiate in the near future.

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