Smooth as butterFrictionless data transport with integration-as-a-service

The increasing adoption of cloud computing, software-as-a-service, and mobility technologies is causing fragmentation within the enterprise. With individual functions using different applications and platforms, communicating data across the organization becomes tricky, raising the specter of loss of data, disjointed information, and misalignment.

To achieve the full potential of the cloud, systems will need to intercommunicate seamlessly. The finance function of tomorrow will smoothly integrate data from various systems, databases, and third-party vendors, utilizing integration-as-a-service (IaaS) and a host of connection menthods including application programming interfaces (API) and universal business language (UBL). This will bring about greater potential for automation and greater agility.

In sum, Finance NXT will manage data very differently from how it does now. Read our whitepapers to discover more about the frictionless experience.

Insights & Success Stories

Delivering the big picture

Delivering the big picture

System landscape optimization with a holistic platform achieving next-gen fnancial services.

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