
Bite-sized learning: the future of e-learning

Bite-sized learning is revolutionizing the landscape of e-learning, offering a more accessible and engaging approach to acquiring knowledge. With shorter, focused lessons, learners can absorb information in manageable chunks. This trend not only caters to the modern learner's busy lifestyle but also aligns with the dynamic, fast-paced nature of today's digital world.

Podcast Audio Transcript

Mimi: Hello listeners, this is Mimi; thank you for tuning in to yet another exciting and informative podcast from us at Infosys BPM. Today, we are discussing about bite-sized learning, the future of e-learning. And to talk about this, we have here with us, Sharath Chandra, Head of Learning & Development at Infosys BPM. Welcome Sharath. How are you?

Sharath: I’m doing well, Mimi. Thank you for inviting me to this podcast.

Mimi: It’s our pleasure Sharath. To kick things off, I am sure our listeners are interested in knowing what exactly is meant by bite-sized learning and why it is gaining traction in the world of education. Could you give us an overview?

Sharath: Sure, Mimi. Bite-sized, as it implies, refers to short and focused learning modules designed to deliver information in small, easily digestible chunks. Instead of traditional lengthy courses and programs, these short modules tend to be of a few minutes in duration. This approach is designed to accommodate the busy schedules of modern learners, including executives and working professionals. I will mention some key characteristics of this approach:

  • As I mentioned the duration of each module is very short and concise.
  • The content is very focused, ensuring clarity and simplicity.
  • With e-learning support, the modules are made available anywhere, anytime.
  • To keep the learner engaged, we use multimedia elements like videos, quizzes, and keep these modules interactive.
  • Another key advantage is that this approach is adaptable to a variety of audiences.

Mimi:That sounds like an exciting way to learn things. Especially these interactive elements allow you to retain what you learn for a longer period of time.

In your opinion how will bite-sized learning change the future of executive upskilling programs?

Sharath: Good question, Mimi.

It’s very clear that learning using such short modules and interactive snippets will be the future of executive education, especially because of the time constraints of modern-day workers.

A key facet of bite-sized modules is that they can be designed to focus on specific skills relevant to an executive's role or future organizational needs. This targeted approach ensures that executives acquire the precise skills required for their roles and the organization's growth.

In addition, this approach promotes a culture of continuous learning, fostering an environment where executives are encouraged to stay updated on industry trends and acquire new skills to contribute to the organization's growth. You can also imagine how beneficial rapid upskilling and cross-skilling can be, for the organization.

In addition, we promote micro-credentials for learners. Executives completing bite-sized learning modules can earn these, providing tangible recognition for their efforts. These credentials can also be valuable for career progression within the organization.

Mimi: Definitely agree, Sharath. In fact, a survey by the Association of Talent Development has found that organizations are moving rapidly towards shorter and more targeted learning interventions.

Another thought that comes to mind is how technology can influence this learning approach. What sort of technology interventions do you see in this area?

Sharath: Mimi, that’s an important point. Technology plays a crucial role in facilitating the effectiveness of bite-sized learning. Bite-sized learning is often delivered through digital platforms, making it a form of e-learning. E-learning encompasses various digital methods of delivering educational content, and bite-sized learning is a specific format within this broader category. Learning Management Systems are integral to the approach. These systems facilitate the organization, tracking, and delivery of learning content, ensuring that learners can easily access and complete their bite-sized modules.

You can see mobile learning apps, AI, VR/AR, and gamification being employed in futuristic e-learning platforms.
  • Apps allow learners to access short modules on their smartphones or tablets. This supports on-the-go learning and fits well with the mobile-centric habits of many users.
  • AI can be incorporated to personalize bite-sized learning experiences. Adaptive learning algorithms can analyze learner performance and suggest relevant modules, creating a more tailored and effective learning path.
  • Virtual and augmented reality can provide immersive and interactive experiences to learners. This is especially beneficial for training scenarios that require hands-on practice or simulations.
  • Gamification elements, such as badges, leaderboards, and rewards, can be incorporated using technology to increase engagement and motivation in bite-sized learning.

Mimi:I can see how exciting it can be to experience these technology-based learning interventions. This will definitely be game-changing for organizational growth.

Sharath, thank you so much for coming to today’s podcast and sharing your views on this topic.

Sharath: Thank you, Mimi. It was a pleasure.

Mimi: Dear listeners, if you enjoyed our podcast today, please don’t forget to share and like it on social media. Our social handles are mentioned in the podcast page. The podcast will be available on various platforms like Google Podcasts and Spotify, in addition to our website.

Also, if you have any queries, do reach out to us through the email address on the podcast description. Watch this space for more exciting podcasts coming up. Once again, thank you for tuning in, stay safe and stay sharp. Have a nice day!

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