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Customer Service

Delight Your Customers: Key Aspects to Improve CX

This is a comprehensive podcast that explores strategies for creating exceptional customer experiences. It emphasizes the importance of going beyond mere satisfaction and striving to delight customers. It delves into understanding customer needs, personalizing experiences, building emotional connections, demonstrating empathy, exceeding expectations, and seeking continuous improvement.

Podcast Audio Transcript

Mimi: Hello listeners, this is Mimi; thank you for tuning in to yet another exciting and informative podcast from us at Infosys BPM. Today, we are discussing about key aspects to delight your customers. And to talk about this, we have here with us, Vikram Pinto, Domain Principal at Customer Service, Infosys BPM. Welcome Vikram. How are you?

Vikram: I’m doing great Mimi. It feels great to be on this podcast.

Mimi: We’re delighted to host you today. Let's start with the foundation, which is “understanding customer expectations”. It's no secret that exceeding expectations translates to happy customers. Happy customers become loyal customers. But in your opinion, how do we achieve this?

Vikram: That's a fantastic question Mimi. It all boils down to setting clear expectations upfront and then delivering on those promises. Meeting their expectations leads to increased loyalty, higher customer lifetime value, and improved satisfaction. I will mention a few very important aspects for this.

Firstly, you need to set the right expectations. This is very important to set the right expectations and performance delivery. Meeting customer expectations is crucial for building strong relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Secondly, it’s important to listen to, appreciate, and create value for customer concerns. They are looking for a service provider who can empathize with them.

The third aspect is ease of doing business. We need to enable seamless processes, minimal obstacles, simplified processes, and hassle free transactions.

The fourth important aspect is the promptness. You need to take action to address and resolve customer requests and issues with promptness. This quick action and timely responses shows your efficiency in handling requests.

The fifth important aspect is convenient communication channels. Offer multiple channels (such as online chat, email, social media, or phone) for customer support. Let them choose what works best for them.

Mimi: I agree, Vikram. Very important points. I think these days mobile apps are also very important for communication. We see organizations even using generative AI for issue resolution.

My second question is regarding employees. How should we align employees to meet and exceed customer expectations?

Vikram: As you are aware, employees play an extremely crucial role in delivering exceptional customer experience. So it’s rather more important to align them to the organizational vision on customer experience.

This alignment empowers employees to improves engagement and positively impacts customer interactions.

When employees are aligned with the company's vision, mission, and values, they are more likely to prioritize customer satisfaction. This alignment creates a shared purpose and understanding, leading to overall improvement in customer satisfaction.

Perfect alignment of company vision, mission, values, strategy, and goals results in higher business performance and positive assertiveness.

As you know high turnover rates among customer service representatives impact service quality. By fostering alignment, organizations can retain employees longer, leading to better customer interactions and satisfaction.

Another important part is organizational culture. Customer experience alignment contributes to a cohesive organizational culture. When everyone works toward common goals and values, it strengthens the community and belonging within the company.

Mimi: I fully agree. Employees aligned to the organizational vision can be the best brand ambassadors.

Another aspect that comes to mind is the importance of audit in customer experience. What’s your take on this?

Vikram: Yes that’s a key question, Mimi. Performance audits and assessments are critical in the customer service industry. These empower us to optimize customer experiences, align strategies, and continually improve service quality.

  • Audits help us improve customer service by understanding progress by evaluating the effectiveness of customer service efforts.
  • Organizations can enhance service quality and responsiveness by analyzing what's working well and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Audits help us unearth unbiased insights of customer perceptions to make informed decisions to enhance services.
  • Audits also help us check alignment of service strategy with business goals.
  • We can also identify and prevent errors by creating relevant and tailored training programs to address specific issues.
As you can see, Mimi, customer service audits are quite important for any organization.

Mimi: Very important points, Vikram. I think you have managed to bring some key aspects that every organization should take care of. I would like to thank you for today’s talk. It was quite informative.

Vikram: Thank you Mimi. It was exciting to be part of this podcast.

Mimi: Dear listeners, if you enjoyed our podcast today, please don’t forget to subscribe to it on the platform of your choice; our podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and several others. Please don’t forget to share and like it on social media.

Also, if you have any queries, do reach out to us through the Infosys BPM website –

Once again, thank you for tuning in, stay safe and sharp. This is Mimi signing off. Have a great day!

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