Infosys BPM

Today fortifying the supply network has emerged as a cornerstone strategy for businesses navigating an increasingly volatile global environment. A robust supply base serves as a catalyst for competitive advantage, empowering organisations to pivot swiftly in response to shifting market dynamics and outmanoeuvre competitors.

In this edition, we feature pieces that reinforce strategies to strengthen your supply base such as including diversity, network design and applying several other approaches.

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Turning the tables

Learn how Infosys not only helped a multinational conglomerate in overcoming a supply chain disruption but also mitigated the impact, ensured business continuity, and reduced costs by 33%.

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Procurement dictum: Diversify suppliers

Recognised as integral to procurement, supply diversity drives innovation, mitigates risk, and fosters economic empowerment, thus it becomes paramount to learn the ropes.

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Is your supply chain infrastructure keeping up?

Creating a supply chain infrastructure that reflects the future needs of a business is often a strong supply chain challenge. The ability to design a supply chain network with a competitive advantage is critical.

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