Our VPAS® Benefit Plan Administration (BPA) is a client-server based software application providing record-keeping for the following types of non-qualified plans:

  • Deferred compensation plans
  • 401 (k) mirror plans
  • SERPs
  • 457(f)

The system supports daily and periodic valuation of unfunded plans and funded by life insurance policies and mutual funds. The system provides the following features:

  • Rule-based plan definition employing reusable business objects with exception processing defined at the plan version and participant levels
  • Interest, vesting, and periodic withdrawal calculation methods and rules defined at the plan level and selected at the plan version, participant, or participant account level – providing the highest degree of plan design flexibility
  • Unlimited account capabilities with account names that can be determined by the participant
  • Comprehensive financial history of asset and liability accounts
  • Quotation of current and as-of account and fund values at participant and plan levels
  • Participants can belong to several plans and be tracked with one participant number
  • Daily variable income (daily accrual type investments) posting and history at the fund level
  • Earnings crediting events initiated at the fund, plan, or participant level