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AR and VR can transform the gaming industry

Online gaming has become more popular than ever before thanks to its easy accessibility to users on their smartphones. Enhancing the user experience is one of the primary focus areas of this industry. Two technologies that have attracted the interest of gaming industry experts are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). This is because these technologies have features that can offer a truly immersive experience to users.

What is Augmented Reality?

AR can be understood as an interactive experience that is offered by overlaying computer-related visuals in the real-time physical world. Augmented Reality works with different elements such as computer vision or camera feed that perceive the real-world surroundings of the user. The digital content is superimposed on the camera feed such that it looks realistic. The digital content is displayed in the right position by using the orientation and geometry of the camera feed.

What is Virtual Reality?

VR is a computer-generated simulated 3D environment that offers an immersive experience to the user. The user needs to wear goggles to experience the virtual world that can be explored in 360 degrees. The scenes and objects simulated by the computer look realistic and the user can view and interact with them. Games like The Climb, Asgard’s Wrath, etc. leverage VR to offer a truly immersive experience.

How are AR and VR Different?

AR and VR are often used interchangeably, but there is a clear distinction between the two.

AR augments the real world and users can experience their presence in the real world. AR partially immerses users into action.

VR, on the other hand, creates an immersive real world and users experience their presence in the virtual world.

AR and VR technologies have made their way into several domains such as healthcare, E-commerce, real estate, and more. The gaming industry is one of the leading industries that has not only adopted AR and VR but is also successfully leveraging the difference between the two. Data reveals “As of 2022 the VR gaming industry has a market size of $12.13 billion!”. VR gaming revenue is expected to reach $ 2.4 billion by 2024. As far as AR in gaming is concerned, “The global augmented reality gaming market size that reached $ 8.4 billion in 2022 is expected to reach $ 43.1 billion by 2028 exhibiting a CAGR of 30.2% during 2023-2028.

AR in Gaming

AR has completely revolutionised players’ experiences with interactive mediums like online games. AR offers a multidimensional space to gamers by combining real-life environments with 3D graphics.

AR games can be directly accessed on smartphones and tablets, etc. They do not require any special hardware like headsets, etc. Some AR games also include leaderboards that facilitate multiplayer options. Since they can be easily accessed by different users they offer unlimited potential for collaborative gameplay.

AR technology also facilitates collaborative gameplay because it can be easily accessed by multiple users. AR games can be educational, entertaining, simulation-based, or social.

Different types of AR games that have gained popularity in recent times include real-time strategy games, puzzle games, multiplayer games, and virtual character simulator games.

Although VR games dominate PC and Console gaming, AR games have a definite edge over VR in the mobile space.

VR in Gaming

Many VR games are designed to be played using physical exercise. Such games include physical activities along with gaming to make them more engaging.

VR consoles like Playstation 4 facilitate collaborative gaming because they offer a multiplayer option.

The emphasis of VR games is on providing an immersive experience. Hence, these games are designed such that gamers can physically interact with objects by physically “holding” them or controlling different types of sports gear.

Shooting games, racing games, horror games, etc., are some popular types of VR games. 

AR and VR technologies will shape the future of gaming. These technologies offer a mixed world in which the real and virtual worlds merge. They make gaming exciting because games are embedded in real-world objects and environments. Tech giants have become cognizant of the power of these technologies and are investing in them. Data reveals that the demand for AR/VR games is soaring with the market likely to reach $571 billion by 2025.

Final Takeaway

The new interface that AR and VR are set to provide will soon eliminate the boundary between fiction and reality. These technologies have the power to transform the way we think about interacting with others. As these technologies get better and more realistic, they will provide a new medium for communication and consciousness.

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