Education Technology Services

Edutech for lifelong learning: Reskilling and upskilling in the digital age

The swift advancement of technology is responsible for many changes in our day-to-day existence. Easy access to contemporary technology has transformed how we communicate, work, make decisions, conduct business, and so much more.

Education technology, or edutech, refers to the use of contemporary digital tools and resources to aid education and learning. These tools can play an important part in traditional classrooms, as well as in online and distance learning environments.

This blog will explore the role of technology in educatio. Let us delve deeper into how access to modern educational solutions is making it easier for lifelong learners to efficiently acquire new knowledge and skills to stay informed and relevant in this rapidly evolving world.

Importance of technology in education

Online learning platforms, educational apps, connected devices, e-books, interactive online tools, and a host of other digital innovations have transformed how we learn, absorb information, acquire new skills, and develop our careers. It is possible to educate oneself on a wide variety of topics through remote learning technologies like virtual classrooms or video conferencing tools or craft personalised learning programs based on a student’s specific needs and interests.

Having educational resources at your fingertips enables you to take the learning process beyond the formal educational milestones of traditional schooling. Working professionals can use the resources at their disposal to constantly reskill and upskill themselves as necessary to take their careers forward. This manner of lifelong learning is more important in modern times than ever before since workers must stay up-to-date with rapidly changing technical requirements as the technology they use to perform their duties keeps evolving.

The importance of lifelong learning

The need for continuous skill development in the face of globalisation, shifting job markets, and rapid technological advancements is the reason lifelong learning is a vital aspect of career development in today’s times. It can widen your prospects, offer a great deal of career flexibility, and open the door to rapid professional growth. Lifelong learning can also provide working professionals the opportunity to expand their knowledge and future-proof their skills. Innovations in edutech are making focused, short-term educational programs accessible, enabling working professionals to effectively upskill and reskill themselves conveniently and efficiently.

How edutech is revolutionising lifelong learning?

Modern innovations and developments in edutech have the potential to bridge the widening skills gaps and the growing need for frequent career transitions with the help of personalised data-driven ecosystems. These may include a combination of various applications, applied learning experiences, and devices to help users continue their educational journey at different stages of their careers.

Users can link their personal profiles to their organisation’s employee portal for resources to boost their professional development. Aside from helping further their careers, edutech solutions can also offer courses and video content covering a wide range of subjects to help users make constructive use of their free time and bolster their skill set. Moreover, as the user approaches retirement age, the ecosystem will have enough data to suggest appropriate hobbies and community events that line up with their interests.

Personalised learning

The driving force behind modern edutech platforms’ ecosystem is data. Data makes it possible for the system to offer increasingly tailored content as the user’s career progresses and they grow older. The system accumulates years of knowledge about each user’s learning preferences and interests, enabling it to offer the most relevant and effective training recommendations. Of course, developing a comprehensive edutech solution requires substantial expertise in data analytics, which is why choosing the right technical partner to help with this endeavour is extremely important.

For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like living organisms will be imperative for business excellence. A comprehensive yet modular suite of services is doing precisely that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

How can Infosys BPM help?

Infosys BPM’s Edutech platform solution is a mobile cloud-based platform you can access from anywhere in the world on any device. Infosys BPM combines deep domain knowledge with strategic programs and process management experience to deliver enhanced productivity and cost efficiency. Embrace lifelong learning with Infosys BPM and stay abreast of the times.

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