Retail, CPG and Logistics

Omnichannel trade promotions: Strategies for consistent brand messaging across channels

As digitalisation opens up new avenues to help businesses connect with their customers, the question is how can businesses offer a seamless and cohesive brand experience across all channels? The answer is to embrace a multichannel approach and focus on creating an omnichannel marketing strategy that can help you be actively present on every channel your customers prefer and achieve the impact you want.

What is omnichannel marketing?

Omnichannel is more than just the latest buzzword but rather a strategic approach that can help businesses provide a consistent customer experience and present a seamless brand identity across multiple channels. The goal of omnichannel marketing is to seamlessly integrate branding and marketing communication across every customer touchpoint (online and offline) as they move through the sales funnel.

This allows businesses to take a customer-centric approach, enabling an impactful, positive, and consistent brand experience as customers can now interact with brands across multiple channels. The key elements of an omnichannel marketing strategy are:

  • A consistent brand tone
  • Personalised messaging based on customer interests
  • Personalised content based on past and current interactions during a buyer’s journey

As a result, customers not only find it easier to recognise the brand, but personalised messaging and content also increase customer engagement across channels for better business outcomes.

Benefits of an omnichannel approach

No one can deny the importance of an omnichannel approach in today’s digital world. Customers today consume so much content and messaging from different brands. They have become increasingly selective about the brands and channels they interact with. An effective omnichannel marketing strategy can differentiate your brand and drive meaningful customer engagement in the constant chatter of advertisements. Although it may not be easy to implement a successful omnichannel approach, if done well, it can offer a host of benefits, like

  • A better user experience for improved engagement
  • A cohesive and seamless brand identity to facilitate brand recognition across channels
  • Greater customer loyalty
  • Higher purchase rate and average spending for increased revenue
  • Access to better attribution for more personalised marketing efforts and trade spend optimisation

Creating an omnichannel marketing strategy

Just understanding the benefits of omnichannel marketing is not enough to translate it into a strategic approach; it needs a change in marketing mindset and attitude. It is not as simple as creating a marketing message and putting it across multiple channels. You must think about individual customers, their journey with you, and personalising your marketing messaging for them.
Here are some steps that can help you get in the right mindset and develop a successful omnichannel marketing strategy:

  • Start by leveraging the data you have about individual customers and documenting the customer journey to better understand major touchpoints.
  • Once you analyse the available data, you can understand the channels your customers prefer and focus on them going forward.
  • Looking deeper into the data, identify patterns and commonalities to segment your audience and choose the right marketing channel and messaging frequency.
  • With data in hand, review the experience and journey of each customer persona – from discovery to purchase – to map an omnichannel customer journey, defining the customer experience you want to cultivate at each touchpoint.
  • Develop channel-appropriate personalised content for each customer persona that will help answer any questions or meet the needs at every touchpoint.
  • Be prepared to respond and interact with customers on every channel, offering a seamless and personalised customer service experience.
  • Leverage omnichannel marketing software to help implement your omnichannel marketing strategies more efficiently.
  • Data is the backbone of omnichannel marketing. Focus on relevant KPIs (engagement statistics, conversion rate, retention rate, or customer lifetime value) to continually test and optimise your omnichannel marketing strategy.

For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like living organisms will be imperative for business excellence. A comprehensive yet modular suite of services is doing precisely that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

How can Infosys BPM help?

Trade Promotions Management (TPM) is an integral aspect of business strategy for any organisation. However, despite the positive impact of well-managed promotions on revenue, the complex trade promotions process is not without its challenges. Infosys BPM Trade Promotion Management Services can help you overcome the prevailing TPM challenges. Infosys BPM can not only help you with trade spend optimisation but also help build an omnichannel marketing strategy that can help you actively engage with customers across multiple channels for better business outcomes.

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