Web & Social Analytics

Applying intelligence to analytics: The future of AI in social media

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal part of every social network that you use today. According to reports, the AI-for-social-media industry is expected to grow at a rapid pace, reaching $2.1 billion by 2023. So, what is prompting this unrestrained growth? Well, it is down to multiple things, and as is the case with every industry that is undergoing digital transformation, businesses are realising the benefits of merging AI in social media.

Here's looking at how AI is being applied in social media analytics right now and what the future has in store.

  1. Social media marketing
  2. In terms of organic marketing on social channels, AI helps aggressively promote brands, products, services, solutions, offers, and more. This directly influences customer engagement and the inbound traffic to your company’s web-based portals (websites, landing pages, etc.).  

  3. Activity-based personalisation
  4. Anybody who has used any social media platform will know that there is an incredible AI engine at work, nudging you to check out content, brands, or products that align with your tastes and preferences. AI helps provide targeted recommendations based on the user’s browsing history and usage patterns. The recommendation engines collect data from the content you engage with. You might have noticed this on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Amazon, etc.  

  5. Intelligent chatbots
  6. A huge benefit of AI in social media is that you don’t need as many backend support resources to handle customer queries anymore. Smart chatbots or pre-programmed auto-conversational robots are capable of instantly responding to user queries 24 x 7, thus saving time and resources as well as improving customer experience. 

  7. Evaluating user sentiment
  8. AI in social media helps gauge or predict customer sentiments, empowering brands and marketers to map demographics, trends, behavioural patterns, and more. AI-enabled tools and solutions are creating a shorter, quicker, and smarter way to create highly targeted content and marketing messaging for social media campaigns.

  9. Facial recognition for heightened engagement
  10. In 2021, any interactive platform meant for social engagement that is aiming to thrive in the future has ‘minimising the login time intervals through facial recognition’ as one of its top objectives. AI-enabled facial recognition technology helps social media users explore a variety of features like applying facial overlay filters (that replicate your facial movements in real-time), editing images, and creating photo- or video-based content easily.

Reports suggest that close to 40% of companies are leveraging AI for social media marketing, content creation, and analytics — and for a good reason. Heaps of unstructured data being gleaned from social media platforms can help companies drive real, actionable insights and provide custom recommendations to users. The ability to understand user behaviour and forecast trends makes artificial intelligence a critical cog in the social media machinery today.

As they say, trying to make sense of anything without the right tools, background, expertise, and intelligence is basically a futile activity. Analysis requires intelligence, and AI is helping social media marketers do precisely that - capture, arrange, validate, compare, and understand customer data to serve the users better.

How Infosys BPM can help you ride the AI-in-social-media wave?

Through a combination of deep domain expertise, analytics, machine learning, AI, and intelligent hyper automation, our digital analytics solutions are designed to drive positive business outcomes. Our services include web analytics, social and web reporting, campaign analytics, industry-based hyper-automated social media analytics, hyper-automated social care analytics, and social bot seeker.
Broadly speaking, they help businesses to:

  • Deep dive and generate actionable insights from unstructured online data
  • Transform their analytics journey through improved customer satisfaction
  • Optimise their digital assets to deliver a remarkable digital customer experience

*For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed on organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like a living organism, will be imperative for business excellence going forward. A comprehensive, yet modular suite of services is doing exactly that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

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