Education Technology Services
Six cloud computing benefits for education
In this fast-paced digital era, businesses and organisations across all major industries must embrace contemporary methods and technologies to stay relevant. Similarly, digital transformation in the education sector has the potential to significantly enrich the learning process and place education within the reach of millions of children in remote regions. One of the most accessible modern tools for enterprises of all types and sizes is the cloud. We will explore the various benefits of using cloud computing in education to understand its importance better.
Accessible educational tools
Hosting educational resources on a cloud platform eliminates physical textbooks and makes them easily accessible to students and teachers alike. Teachers can upload course material remotely and students can acquire all the necessary books and modules with a simple device and an internet connection. With every coursework being hosted online, students need not worry about digital storage space for all their learning materials.
Improved collaboration with cloud computing in education
Enabling real-time collaboration from anywhere in the world, cloud computing for education allows students to work together on assignments without physically present in the same classroom. This lets students who can’t attend classes to keep up with their peers, even from home. Teachers can also collaborate online to efficiently share lesson plans or feedback with faculty members across departments and schools.
Better learning facilities
Cloud computing in education enhances connectivity in education for marginalised students who suffer without access to traditional educational facilities. Students from rural villages can rely on a cloud-based learning system to gain education and acquire the tools needed to succeed in today’s world. While it is slightly far-fetched to assume that the connectivity and equipment can indeed reach such regions, it is worth the investment. Modernising the education system will also benefit working professionals who lack time to attend regular classes and enable them to participate in online classes at convenient times.
Flexible and efficient processes
Incorporating cloud computing in the education sector can save time and effort for both the faculty and the students due to greater flexibility. Processes that once required both parties to be present at the school, college, or university can now be completed remotely and in a fraction of the time. Students can leverage modern cloud-based applications and platforms to learn at home and at their own pace, and several students spread across various locations can learn from a single teacher. Similarly, teachers aren’t restricted to school working hours and have more flexibility when performing their duties.
Cost efficiency
Properly implemented, cloud computing education systems can cost less than a traditional education from a renowned institution. Faculty, institutions, and students also need not spend on the latest hardware as cloud-based and cloud-native applications use the cloud for processing power and can be easily run on even the most basic devices. Minimising paper use also saves resources, eliminating printers, photocopiers, and physical storage space.
Data security
With cloud services comes the added benefit of using cloud servers to store information extremely securely. Not only does this eliminate the need for maintaining physical in-house servers for data storage, but the information stored in the cloud is always backed-up and safe in any unforeseen circumstances, from power outages to natural disasters.
A third-party cloud services provider can effectively manage an educational institution’s data and IT resources on off-site cloud servers. It also affords faculty and students on-demand data access at any time and across multiple locations. More and more educational institutions are taking note and are directing time and resources towards modernising their systems. As a result, global cloud computing in the education industry held a market value of close to $2.2 billion in 2020 and could hit $8.7 billion by 2027. With the future of cloud computing in the education sector looking up, now is clearly the time for educational institutions to employ the modern tools at their disposal.
For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like living organisms will be imperative for business excellence. A comprehensive yet modular suite of services is doing precisely that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.
How can Infosys BPM help?
Modern educators are searching for the best path ahead in this digital era. Infosys BPM seeks to address these needs by offering a comprehensive suite of Edutech platforms solutions designed to support various teaching and learning philosophies.