Education Technology Services

Seven edutech tools for hybrid learning platforms

Mainstream education realised the true value of edutech during the pandemic when a virus threatened to shut down all learning avenues. Videoconferencing apps such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams enabled schools and universities to function through the lockdown, thanks to their ability to mimic a physical classroom and real-time synchronous learning. The widespread digitisation of education began as a necessity. However, progressive educators quickly saw value in hybrid learning platforms even after the pandemic. Hybrid learning in schools and higher education is now a global norm, and the edutech industry has evolved rapidly to meet its demands. The key benefits of leveraging hybrid-learning platforms are:

  • Self-paced learning for students
  • Customisable content
  • Teaching through multiple modalities
  • The ability to transcend geographical and demographical barriers
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Scalability

Blended learning is undoubtedly the best way to address gaps in the current education system. However, a platform is only as effective as its toolkit. So, here are seven essential tools to streamline hybrid learning in schools and higher educational institutions.

Education LMS

A learning management system (LMS) is indispensable for schools and universities planning to digitise their offerings. An LMS is an inclusive teaching solution that allows educators to create content and students to access it remotely. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous learning. The main features of an LMS are:

  • Course creation:
  • An education LMS has inbuilt course creation features for designing and uploading content, as against productivity suites that require you to create your content externally and import it onto the e-learning platform.

  • Videoconferencing:
  • This is essential for setting up synchronous virtual classrooms and one-on-one meetings.

  • Asynchronous learning features:
  • Features such as training videos, worksheets, and messaging support remote and self-paced learning lead to a personalised learning experience and better retention.

  • Gamification features:
  • Game features added to the course content generate more participation and better engagement in learners.

  • Message boards and social learning:
  • These features mimic a physical forum setting, enabling students to form groups, discuss topics, and interact socially.

  • Responsive design:
  • A responsive design supports learning even on pocket-friendly devices such as smartphones and tablets and fosters an inclusive atmosphere for marginalised students.

Digital whiteboard

A digital whiteboard or an interactive smartboard works for online as well as physical classrooms. It features a web browser, digital screen-sharing options, audio, and speakers. It allows teachers to highlight and annotate text, play multimedia content, and conduct engaging and interactive sessions.

Online assessment systems

Online assessment systems automate the process of conducting exams, grading, and analysing results. They can be used independently or integrated with the organisation’s LMS. This software enables teachers to create surveys, tests, or quizzes and administer them on digital devices. Some analytics-integrated systems also support adaptive assessment in higher learning.

Digital badges

These clickable icons indicate specific skills and competency levels acquired through learning. Securing a digital badge is similar to earning a certificate, award, or degree.

However, digital badges are not static assets. They are web-based and contain verifiable metadata. They usually work in conjunction with assessment systems and are ideal tools to motivate students and establish credibility.

Games and gamified content

The global video game market, valued at $220.79 billion, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.9% from 2022 to 2030. About 87% of generation Z plays video games regularly. Rather than discouraging the gaming trend, educators suggest leveraging its popularity to teach competencies in the 21st century. Games induce a ‘flow’ state that aids complex learning in all age groups. Hybrid learning platforms can use curriculum-aligned games and gamified content to supplement traditional instruction in maths, science, history, languages, problem-solving, and social skills.

Immersive technology

Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 360-degree video are tools that easily align with e-learning platforms as well as brick-and-mortar classrooms. Immersive technology can propel education into a higher experiential realm, making it easy to teach abstract concepts in science, natural history, culture, and the humanities.

Student information system (SIS)

An SIS is an important administrative tool in hybrid learning platforms. It streamlines all types of student data and stores it securely on the web, eliminating the need for physical records. Most SIS platforms are customisable to fit the organisation’s needs best. They provide end-to-end support for multiple processes such as admission, fee management, attendance records, and examination results, as well as all aspects of the student lifecycle.

For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like living organisms will be imperative for business excellence. A comprehensive yet modular suite of Digital learning services is doing precisely that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

How can Infosys BPM help?

Going beyond the conventional LMS, our mobile cloud-based platform is accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Our learning solutions combine deep domain knowledge and strategic programs to enhance productivity and cost efficiency for hybrid learning in schools and higher education.

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