Education Technology Services

Is your current assessment tool meeting your needs? Probably not!

Businesses across industries have undergone a seismic shift over the last few years, accelerated by the impacts of the pandemic. Perhaps the most significant turnaround can be seen in the human resources function, upon which depends the quality of hires for all organizations.

With heightened employee churn and heightened client expectations, HR functions across industries are under pressure to speed up the process and improve hiring accuracy at the same time. Thankfully, today we have technology on our side to accentuate human effort in numerous ways.

Automation services, for instance, can help HR streamline the interview process and save valuable time finding the best candidate, without detracting from the overall candidate experience. With remote hiring strategies, companies can explore candidates globally, across diverse time zones, enabling them to choose from a bigger and more competent talent pool.

Change in motion

Already, existing recruitment strategies, like screening and interviewing, are being serviced digitally with remote work becoming the new standard. But conducting assessments for hiring the best of the best can be a tedious process, involving a multitude of tasks that often overlap:

  • Setting up a question bank for various domains
  • Ranking of questions for different hirings proficiencies, such as analyst or managers
  • Setting up process-specific or large-scale assessments
  • Setting up the logins for thousands of candidates
  • Sending of e-mails with assessment URLs and instructions to the candidates
  • Conducting secure assessments to avoid cheating/malpractice
  • Providing support to candidates during an assessment
  • Analyzing the performance of the candidates

The traditional recruitment process often relies on self-reported data of candidates, which is the primary reason why recruiters often feel the need for multiple rounds to ensure they have the right person for a given job profile. But, due to shorter tenures, there’s no time for prolonged recruitment processes as above anymore. Companies want to assess candidates faster with fewer interactions or touchpoints. Lapses in this process can directly lead to revenue losses, such as in training costs, delivery delays, and potential errors.

How can we prevent such losses? How can we accurately assess candidates in the shortest time possible while navigating through the above steps? How can we reliably evaluate candidates’ technical skills and screen them pre-interview? Enter independent and neutral service partners that can help organizations cut through the noise and find awesome talent from a large talent pool, while not digressing from core business values.

Solution is nigh

End-to-end third-party management of such a process can not only help HR leaders accurately match the best talent with the required skills, but also significantly cut down the time required to do so. Strategically backed by a self-learning technology backbone, candidate assessment services can help perform hundreds and thousands of evaluations within a few hours, eventually producing a detailed candidate anomaly report that hiring teams can use for the selection or rejection of a candidate.

The candidate assessment platform in itself is a sophisticated technology stack that can enable hiring teams to create and administer tests to candidates via digital devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets in a secure environment, through features like AI-powered video proctoring, watermarking, browser proctoring, OTP-based candidate identity verification, and so on. A service element will seamlessly connect the platform's capabilities with other education software, such as LMS, to activate customized tests and assessments of a variety of skills and domain knowledge. The intelligent candidate performance report thus produced cuts downs the time traditionally taken for evaluation by reducing touchpoints and introducing asynchronous assessments, thereby saving time, effort, and cost.

Platforms like this are also easily customizable based on the specific hiring needs of a company and the required skillsets, with a host of in-depth analytical capabilities to support an informed decision. The tools can go even granular for a detailed behavioural analysis of candidates, including monitoring fillers while speaking, voice modulation, body language, facial expression, pronunciation, plagiarism, typing speed, etc., to enable hiring for various domains and multiple job levels (associates, team leads, managers, etc.).

But selecting candidates simply on scores cannot be entirely a foolproof process. The extent of a candidate’s knowledge and expertise must also be assessed. To overcome this, assessment services can provide adaptive assessments, a feature that enables tweaking the difficulty level of questions. The difficulty level of proceeding questions can also be adjusted dynamically, such that if two candidates end up scoring similarly, hiring managers can easily distinguish between the two, based on the nature of the “difficulty” the candidates faced while attempting the questions.

Last year alone – from Apr 2021 to Mar 2022 – Infosys conducted over 3,000 such assessments, adapting to the needs of various domains, such as coding tests, objective tests, online assignments, and so on. There were over 1.7 million+ candidates who took these assessments and 30k candidates were auto disqualified by AI proctoring. And all this action took place over a weekend. No kidding!

Having built the assessment services stack first for internal use, and having seen the results, its worth is irrevocably proven to us. We could never fall back on the old ways of hiring from that point on. We realize that such a tool and the subsequent services can be an asset, the right hire, if you may say, for all organizations, across all industries. If you want the same for your organization, we have the right solution for you. The spotlight is now on you.    

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