Date 18th - 19th February, 2016

Location Australian Technology Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Event overview

Adoption of the right technologies has long been recognised as one of the three key pillars for building procurement capability, increasing efficiency, and enabling organisations to drive hugely increased value from their procurement functions. By attending ProcureTECH you will not only have the chance to explore what technologies are out there and what they can do for you, but also accelerate your understanding of the key issues involved.


Why attend?

Discover how the latest technologies in the procurement space can benefit your organisation. Understand issues in:

  • Technology needs
  • Business care development
  • Technology selection process
  • Technology implementation
  • System integrations
  • Measuring benefits

Who should attend?

If you are a provider of technology related services that support procurement, then you cannot afford to miss ProcureTECH 2016. This is an essential event for - chief procurement officers, group procurement managers, procurement operations managers, and procure-to-pay (P2P) managers.

And those who are responsible for:

  • Process improvement
  • Successful technology implementation
  • Driving efficiencies and savings
  • Reporting and measuring the savings

You will get numerous opportunities to engage with an audience whose sole purpose for attending is to learn more about the kind of solutions you have to offer.


Session details


18th February, 2016


9:45 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. AEDT


Procurement Technology - So what exactly does what and does it work?


Australian Technology Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Vernon Kringas, Director Procurement Operations, Infosys Portland

Session description

Vernon Kringas will layout the different components of procurement technology - from where the value might come from and how exactly to extract that value. The discussion will cover:

  • How technology can help procurement and where it cannot
  • Which elements of technology provide the biggest “bang for your buck”
  • Why implementations do not achieve the intended benefits

Speaker profile

Vernon Kringas is Director, Procurement Operations, Infosys Portland. He has more than 20 years of experience in designing, implementing, and managing financial process and systems. In addition, Vernon has deep expertise in the procurement process and shared services.

Related reading

Event website