Web & Social Analytics

Key benefits of digital analytics for business success

With over 65% of the world’s population having access to the internet, businesses cannot afford to ignore the enormous potential of an online presence. But having an online presence and digital marketing isn’t enough. Businesses need access to powerful analytics for all their digital marketing efforts.

Digital marketing analytics help you make sense of all the information that your clients generate with respect to your brand. By using this information, you can design personalised experiences for your customers. This includes marketing campaigns, customer acquisition and sales journey, grievance addressal, and more. Businesses can easily analyse which marketing channels are worth investing in more than others.

Data analytics helps answer questions such as:

  • Why did the traffic suddenly spike on the website?

  • What are the reasons because of which conversions dropped? What can the team do to improve the same?

  • Which marketing channels are worth investing more in?

Such questions often remain unanswered for most businesses, which makes them take decisions based on intuition. But modern businesses want to make decisions based on data. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of digital analytics.*

Get to know your clients

Having insight into your clients’ behaviour and demographics can help you make decisions about serving them the right products at the right time for maximum chances of a sale. Such data could include a client’s persona, such as their age, location, and areas of interest.

Use data to predict future challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way businesses look at their strategies. They are increasingly focusing on predictive analytics using data-driven insights. Such information could help businesses predict when some of their products will be more in demand and when they are likely to face certain challenges.

This would help businesses quickly manage their inventory and shift their approach to make the most of changing trends.

Optimising marketing efforts

Businesses often have multiple marketing channels where they allocate funds. But traditional methods don’t provide any information about which marketing channels work better than others. Digital analytics can enable businesses to pinpoint why customers interacted with a particular campaign in the way they did. This allows the marketing team to change the messaging if required and increase the frequency of campaigns. For example, digital analytics can show if your campaign worked better through social media channels or newsletters.

Website visits, comments on your blog, social media interactions, and discussion on forums will tell you a lot about your customers’ pain points and questions. Your content team can narrow down on these topics and create valuable content to answer these questions using data analytics. This will help gain more traction and build trust with potential clients.

Some of the common metrics that are important in digital analytics include:

  • Dashboard metrics:
  • Some examples are pages per visit, bounce rate, and average duration of each visit.

  • Most exited pages:
  • Pages with an exit rate of 75–100% show that you need to examine the problem with the content and improve upon it.<

  • Most visited pages:
  • These pages will make the customers either exit or explore the website further.

  • Referring websites:
  • These are other websites that link to your website.

  • Conversion rate:
  • This indicates whether the goal of your website was achieved, be it a sale of a product, a free giveaway, or a subscription to a newsletter.

  • Frequency of visitors:
  • This tells you about the loyalty of the customers.

  • Days to the last transaction:
  • This refers to the timelapse between the first visit and the sale. The shorter the time taken, the better it is for your business.

How Infosys BPM can help?

Our digital analytics solutions are designed to solve business-critical questions across the consumers’ online journeys and provide insights into the key factors influencing non-linear customer journey paths. We achieve this through a combination of deep domain expertise, analytics, machine learning, AI, and intelligent hyper-automation to drive business outcomes.

Read the case study on how Infosys BPM built an automated system for one of the biggest telecom conglomerates in the US. This system helped them analyse social media conversations on their channels to better understand their customers’ negative experiences while saving operating costs and reducing cycle time.

Our offerings focus on key digital assets such as web and social media, as well as focus on campaign performance on these platforms. These include:

  • Social and web reporting

  • Industry-based hyper-automated social media analytics solution

  • Hyper-automated social care analytics solution

  • Social bot seeker

*For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed on organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like a living organism, will be imperative for business excellence going forward. A comprehensive, yet modular suite of services is doing exactly that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

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