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Business and Diversity from the Celestial Empire | China

One of the great civilizations to walk the face of the earth. China extends across six climate zones it has -the climate of China is complex and diverse. The complex climate and landforms have created a natural paradise for biodiversity. Rich in history and culture, china is a scenic paradise with enchanting stories, scenery and much more. Jon Zhang talks about football, his experience and much more in his interview.

  1. Please elaborate on the work done at your delivery center and its history?

    Infosys BPM China was established in Hangzhou in 2006 and 2011 in Dalian. Over a decade, the company has grown from less than a 100 people to close to 1,000 FTE's. The Services have gone up from only a few engagements to 28 clients across the globe. Today, the center supports over a dozen languages across five business domains.

  2. How has your experience been with Infosys BPM?

    Although it's only been 3 years, I am no stranger to Infosys. Back in 2005, while working with the Chinese government to develop the BPO industry in China, I have admired the Indian BPM companies, especially Infosys. Infosys is a Holy Grail for people in the industry and for me it has been an honour to be an Infoscion.

  3. What is your favorite part of work?

    No two days are the same, there's always something new and dynamic every day; a new business, a new technique, new people, or even a new challenge.

  4. How would you describe the overall employee profile/ diversity in your delivery centre?

    The China center has more than 85% female employees. However, we are not shy of diversities. We have nationalities from all over the world, speaking various languages. Feeling young and vibrant every single day.

  5. Which country is most likely to win this year's football world cup and why?

    Spain, France, Brazil, Germany and Argentina are kind of favorites but looking at the squad depth and the balance, Brazil and France seem to be in the forefront. Picking one team is tough, given the unpredictable nature of the game, but I'll go with France to win it this time.

  6. What's your favorite memory with respect to the football world cup?

    Back in college, dorms used to cut powers after 10 PM to conserve energy and ensure good rests. During the World Cup, we used to sneak out to the guard's room where the power remained, to watch the match with the security guards. Of course, the next day all boys went to class with dark circles around their eyes.

  7. Please share some thoughts on your country's footballing culture.

    Historically, in China, football had to compete with traditional sports like Ping-Pong, gymnastics, athletics and other sports which are easier to play in the country, in particular, basketball. Football was not being played in China as a 'Street Sport' like in the European and South American countries. Leading to limited growth of natural talent and as a professional Sport.
    But Football is relatively gaining popularity in China with the growing popularity of English, Spanish Leagues as well as local ones like 'Chinese Football League' which is witnessing fast-growing participation from international football stars. Government's massive 'Chinese football reform and development program' and investments from entrepreneurial lieutenants like Jack Ma has been acting as a catalyst in popularity of this beautiful sport. The dragon is awakening!