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Our values

Tomorrows made by a timeless code.

Change may be the only constant, but for us, it’s our values that help guide us in every change that we make – for us as individuals, for our company, and for our clients. These are our guiding lights, our beacons on the journey to navigate destination next.

Client Value

Client Value

To surpass client expectations consistently

Leadership by Example

Leadership by Example

To set standards in our business and transactions, and to be an exemplar for the industry and ourselves

Integrity and Transparency

Integrity and Transparency

To be ethical and sincere in all our transactions



To be objective and transaction-oriented, and thereby earn trust and respect



To strive relentlessly; constantly improve ourselves, our teams, and our services and products to become the best


Diversity and inclusivity

Welcome to a meritocracy of ideas.

Equal Employment OpportunityWe believe in providing equal employment opportunity for all. We constantly strive to onboard the best talent in the country and ensure that our selection process is unbiased. We believe that every individual brings a unique set of skills and it is a combination of these skills which enables the organization to deliver the best results.

Gender DiversityGender diversity is a major focus area for us, and women account for 40% of our workforce. The emphasis is to provide an enriching and enabling career for women at Infosys. Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network is the gender network created to set up support systems and policies to help in the development of a gender inclusive environment. There is a concerted effort to provide a safe and secure working environment for women, which includes a stringent anti-sexual harassment initiative policy, cabs equipped with GPS systems, security guards for female employees at night time drop, and self-defense sessions for women. There are various other initiatives such as coaching & mentoring, parenting workshops, bring your child to work, financial awareness.

LGBTQIA+We have an IPRIDE ERG at a group level, that is committed to make Infosys BPM an inclusive workplace for our employees from the LGBTQIA+ community.

Building inclusive work cultures requires a deeper learning and appreciation of the diverse demography that represents our talent pool. Coming out is a process of understanding, accepting, and valuing an individual’s orientation/identity. We celebrated National Coming Out Day in October 2020, and we have also launched an immersive learning experience to strengthen LGBTIQA+ awareness across the organization. Our learning platform has courses that span topics ranging from deconstructing gender to paving the way for LGBTIQA+ inclusion at work, and are a creative mix of exercises, case studies, and learning, blended beautifully allowing the learner an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and mindful awareness.

InfyablityWe have created a platform wherein people with disabilities are successfully hired and nurtured to their full potential. An enabling and inclusive environment provides the right platform for employees with disabilities to achieve their career aspirations. Significant investments have been made to ensure physical accessibility in our various buildings and campuses. Employees with disabilities are offered reasonable accommodation and this includes wheelchairs, special lenses, JAWS software etc. Training and development opportunities are also customized to suit their requirements. Sensitization programs are conducted across levels in the organization to build an environment of inclusivity that enables employees with disabilities to perform to the best of their abilities.

There is a continuous effort to ensure that minority groups within the organization are encouraged to perform to their full potential by providing support and encouragement and a workplace free of discrimination.


Forward with Infosys