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Supply Chain Warehousing Services - Overview

Warehouses are at the heart of all supply chain networks and include distribution centres, cross-dock centres, and consolidation hubs. These receive products from suppliers, customers (returns), and internal facilities, and the products are stored, assembled, and despatched to increasingly demanding business customers and consumers.

Businesses need warehouses to operate safely and efficiently so that they can deliver high levels of customer service while reducing operational costs. This is achieved through careful designing and planning, which includes:

  • Labour planning and management: Planning labour to achieve service targets at lowest cost and managing labour to ensure sale and efficient operations across all shifts
  • Layout: Optimising the flow of materials, from receipt to despatch.
  • Storage solutions: Optimising the use of space and supporting efficient put-away and replenishment, whether it’s bulk, pallets, or units in storage.
  • Automation: Implementing automation to reduce labour costs through materials handling equipment, decrease rent from dense storage solutions, and improve safety and compliance.
  • Technology: Implementing a fit-for-purpose Warehouse Management System (WMS), with readily available cloud and SaaS options to minimise capital outlay, implementation, and ongoing support costs.

Warehouses need to be designed for specific requirements and our team will work with businesses to assist them in decision making regarding warehouses.

Our team has extensive expertise in designing, optimising, sourcing, and managing warehousing from both industry and consulting perspectives.

In collaboration with Infosys Limited, our parent company, we possess a stellar track record in implementing warehouse technology across various sectors. Our expertise ranges from specialist function cloud solution to a full WMS.


Key Capabilities

Warehouse Design

Businesses must concentrate on the warehouse design that supports the lead time requirement to meet their customer commitment while keeping operating costs to a minimum.

The objective of each warehouse in the network and how it supports business’ overall supply chain strategy must be clear at the outset.

We can then work with businesses to develop a conceptual design specific to their market strategy, SKU profiles, and growth plans. This stage of the design process will assess the options available around layout and degree of automation, which includes warehouses that are fully manual to the ones that are highly automated.

During this process, the costs and benefits of the preferred option will be fully assessed to quantify the return on investment and inform the business case.

The final stage is the detailed design where the preferred option is specified in readiness for sourcing the property, materials handling equipment, and potentially third-party logistics service providers to manage the warehouse.

With our experienced team and expertise across multiple industry sectors, we assist businesses at every stage, right from design through operations.

Warehouse Optimisation

Our team is experienced in conducting diagnostics of warehouse operations to identify opportunities for improvement, supported by realistic business cases and implementation plans.

We have a variety of tools, including capability assessment templates and benchmarks, as well as proven diagnostic methodologies.

We can quickly assess the performance of current operations and work with business teams to develop an improvement plan, which will typically include the following elements:

  • Labour planning and management: Labour is typically the highest cost element of a warehouse. Businesses need to improve productivity to reduce operational costs.
  • Layout, slotting, and material flow: Travel time can form a large part of labour bill and is non-productive. Businesses need to sort their products optimally to reduce travel time.
  • Equipment: Businesses need to ensure that equipment is specified correctly to meet safety and operational requirements
  • Technology: An effective, fit for purpose WMS is essential for warehouse performance.

Warehouse Sourcing

Warehouse and logistics sourcing are at the intersection of supply chain and procurement – our two core competencies. As a trusted advisor with more than 100 logistics sourcing projects behind us, we bring a comprehensive set of diagnostic tools, frameworks and methodologies to the logistics and sourcing process.

We partner with businesses to support their warehousing sourcing activities. This involves not just a ‘process’, but deep warehouse expertise, a complete understanding of the supply market, and an ability to consider all value levers related to warehouse logistics activities.

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