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Digital Interactive Services

The benefits of digital interactive services in marketing

Customer expectations are changing rapidly, thanks to their evolving tastes and preferences (and the explosion of digital media). For businesses, the benefits of interactive marketing and the importance of digital marketing have never been more apparent.

As competition in the market increases and consumer preferences evolve, forward-looking businesses look for novel content creation and publishing avenues that integrate creative design and enable greater interaction. Businesses need to fulfill customer expectations by reimaging digital experiences as well as meet strategic objectives.

For organizations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed on organizational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like a living organism, will be imperative for business excellence going forward. A comprehensive, yet modular suite of services is doing exactly that. Equipping organizations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organizations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

Here’s looking at how businesses can respond to the audiences’ progressive demands by investing in innovative digital initiatives and leveraging the benefits of interactive marketing.

Passive versus active content consumption

Today’s audience loves interactive content and for a good reason - they want an immersive experience rather than static content meant for passive consumption. From B2B to e-commerce, every type of business needs to cater to this demand.

From boomers to millennials and now generation Z, the types of content and ways in which it is consumed has changed, highlighting the need for businesses to create interactive consumer experiences to stay on top of their marketing game.

Businesses are competing for the target group’s attention and loyalty by investing in relatively new technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality, gamification, and the like to enable active content consumption.

Exploring the Benefits of Interactive Marketing and Its Types

Unlock the benefits of interactive marketing with our digital services

Unlock the benefits of interactive marketing with our digital services  

Some of the popular types of interactive content include interactive e-books, emails, polls, surveys, contests, data visualisation (infographics), live videos, video games, product recommendations, whitepapers, and interactive calculators.

Businesses that want to ensure exceptional, meaningful, and engaging brand experiences for their consumers need to invest in interactive digital marketing initiatives.

So, what are the top benefits of digital initiatives? Here are some of the biggest advantages of interactive marketing:

  • Enhanced audience engagement
  • Interactive marketing allows businesses to deliver interesting and immersive browsing and shopping experiences to customers, enabling them to actively engage with products and services before making a purchase decision.

  • Improved (memorable) learning for customers
  • It is a known fact that interactive content enables higher learning and retention because users tend to spend more time interacting with your business online and are likely to remember you the next time they need something.  

  • Increased (qualified) lead generation and conversions
  • By providing targeted and personalised content at the right time, you hit the bullseye more often than not, resulting in qualified leads and successful conversions.

  • Low-cost, high-impact interactivity
  • Since businesses can use interactive marketing techniques to draw consumers and generate revenue, they can save on labour costs by employing human resources at touchpoints where they can deliver more value.

  • Increased brand loyalty
  • Using interactive technology facilitates an exceptional and well-choreographed experience that is likely to leave positive imprints on the customers’ minds. This, in turn, drives brand loyalty.

  • Better feedback from customers
  • Giving your customers an easy and quick way to provide feedback enables you to learn what they like or dislike about you so you can modify your marketing strategies accordingly. The world’s leading ride-hailing companies and food delivery service providers are examples of businesses and industries that use real-time customer feedback to great effect.

How can Infosys BPM help with interactive service marketing?

We at Infosys BPM understand and value the need for better content management and multichannel marketing solutions built to better the returns on your marketing investments. Our digital operations framework helps businesses transform and grow by co-creating breakthrough digital solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

Infosys BPM provides strategies, processes, requirements, and proven expertise in the digital operations ecosystem through its digital interactive solutions that include:

Create a turbocharged digital interactive ecosystem with our services. Learn more about our Digital Interactive Services (DIS) built around the 3 Es - Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Experience.