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Education Technology Services

Effective gamification strategies to boost user engagement

High customer engagement has a direct positive impact on a company’s bottom line. It brings down the acquisition cost and increases loyalty. Right engagement strategies can significantly reduce customer churn and increase the number of active users that spend more time on the mobile app. This affects the overall profitability and revenue-generating capability.

Gamification does not mean creating a game for the customers. It is providing a game-like engagement in a non-gaming environment. For example, Google Pay, a digital payments app, provides cashback or rewards on every payment to drive higher engagement.

This article will explain the popular ways to use gamification, its benefits, and best practices.

Popular gamification strategies for user engagement

An average person spends at least 5 hours daily on their smartphone. Mobile apps use this trend to engage users in gamification-based features using these strategies –

Reward points

This is perhaps the most common technique that gives users reward points for every activity they do on the app. The points show users their progress and motivate them to use the app more. For example, the Duolingo app awards its users experience points for completing a lesson. Students can set daily targets and reminders to come back to the app.

Leader boards

This is an additional layer above the reward points system. Leader boards use points to rank users and create a sense of competition, thus motivating them to keep using the app. Users can see how their performance stacks up against others. This adds an element of fun and challenge wherein users can compare themselves with friends or users from across the globe.

Trophies and badges

When users reach a certain milestone, they get a trophy or a badge recognising their achievement. This instils a sense of achievement and pride among the users. They can also show off their progress to others on the app.
Fitbit, a fitness app, uses badges and trophies to encourage users to accomplish their health goals. Different achievements include weight loss, steps walked, and calories burnt. Users can share their accomplishments with others on the app.

Discover how gamification can increase engagement

Discover how gamification can increase engagement

Social sharing

This brings us to social sharing, wherein users can share their achievements or milestones with fellow friends or users on the app or social media. Wordle app retains its users and acquires new ones by prompting you to share the daily word challenge on social media. Every share on social media is free marketing for the app. Social sharing also boosts your website’s SEO and creates quality backlinks, thus ranking you higher on search engines.


A journey is a set of related tasks that take a user through a specific path on your mobile app. This provides a sense of progress and accomplishment and is a lot of fun. Incorporating journeys is a great way to enhance user engagement.


Streaks encourage user engagement by monitoring their consistency on the mobile app. Users tend to stick to and maintain a streak rather than starting from scratch. For example, doing one puzzle a day or investing regularly once a month.


Checklists break a long process down into easy steps that are easy to achieve. For example, a learning app that breaks down lessons in the form of a checklist makes the target easy and not a tedious chore. App onboarding gamification can use checklists to assess which users can become long-term paying customers.

Native tooltips

Tooltips announce new features, guide users on how to interact, and tease them with exciting updates. Native tooltips could be text boxes, emojis, progress bars, badges, or any other custom designs that enhance feature discovery, upselling, and contextual onboarding.

Benefits of gamification strategies

Gamification applies to many industries and uses intrinsic and extrinsic levers to engage users with the brand. The top benefits are –

Regular feedback

Better customer engagement and well-designed gamification techniques get the brand valuable feedback about its product or service.

Better interface and UX

Gamification can encourage businesses to provide better mobile apps with a tailored approach and user-friendly interface. Great customer experience will bring them back for more, leading to more profits.

Employee training

Businesses are using gamification to handle staff engagement challenges and encourage them to keep learning and upskilling.

Efficient marketing

Solutions that use gamification can integrate with your website, app, or email campaigns creating a holistic environment conducive to effective marketing.

Integrated business planning

Effective use of gamification is a complex task that you should not do in isolation. By integrating the mobile app and website with behavioural economics and data analytics, you can do effective business planning.

For organisations on the digital transformation journey, agility is key in responding to a rapidly changing technology and business landscape. Now more than ever, it is crucial to deliver and exceed organisational expectations with a robust digital mindset backed by innovation. Enabling businesses to sense, learn, respond, and evolve like a living organism will be imperative for business excellence going forward. A comprehensive yet modular suite of services is doing exactly that. Equipping organisations with intuitive decision-making automatically at scale, actionable insights based on real-time solutions, anytime/anywhere experience, and in-depth data visibility across functions leading to hyper-productivity, Live Enterprise is building connected organisations that are innovating collaboratively for the future.

How can Infosys BPM help?

Infosys BPM partners with educational institutions and corporates worldwide to help them in new-age learning and digital technologies based on gamification. The services include –

  1. Scoring and assessment.
  2. Smart virtual event hosting.
  3. Gamification.
  4. Learner segmentation and recommendation.
  5. Lead generation and optimisation.

Read more about the gamifying education solutions and edutech platform solutions at Infosys BPM.

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