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Gamification Services

Gamification Services

When institutions implement gamification techniques, they should look beyond gaining just increased engagement from users. Our gamification services leverage the Infosys Enterprise Gamification Platform and incorporate rewards such as badges, points, and leaderboards, which enable institutions to achieve business objectives by linking gamification techniques to clear business goals. This elevates the status of learners by showcasing their talents, expertise, and accomplishments. This also stimulates student/employee engagement and interest, which drives enhanced content absorption and learning.


Why us?

Our gamification services translate varied actions of a learner into elements of gamification, to enhance the end user experience.

  • Allows enterprises to build engaging user experiences
  • Provides rich gamification API functionality
  • Custom-made gamification themes

How we deliver value?

Our platform stimulates student/employee engagement and interest, which drives enhanced content absorption and learning.
There are various gamification elements which can be custom made and implemented based on your requirements, such as:

  • Basic gamification mechanics (points, badges, leaderboards, levels)
  • Metaphors, redemption, challenges, learning
  • Treasure hunt
  • Fantasy games
  • Simulation based design
  • Virtual economy

Business Benefits of Gamification Services

With our gamification services, institutions can achieve substantial benefits, such as:

  • Increased engagement with the course / learning content
  • Reduced course abandonment rates
  • Improved employee productivity
  • Increased adaption of changes such as new technologies and processes
  • Improved customer stickiness towards the services

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