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Infosys Healthcare Payer Profiled in NelsonHall Research

Infosys has been profiled in the NelsonHall Healthcare Commercial Payer research. The profile focuses on key aspects of the Healthcare Payer market embarked upon by Infosys – from key offerings, delivery capabilities & partnerships, key markets served, and the strategy moving forward.

In the healthcare payer BPS sector, Infosys BPM is almost entirely focused on serving commercial health plans in the U.S. Infosys' most significant offerings in this market include: Claims Administration, Benefits Administration, Appeals, Member Services, and Provider Management.

Sven Lohse, NelsonHall’s principal Research Analyst, identifies that Infosys has major strengths in the Healthcare Payer space:

  • High level of reliability and consistency in services provided
  • A strong IT services practice that can be leveraged to optimize the technology-enabled platforms necessary for efficient BPS services, including implementation of RPA and analytics
  • Offering outcome-based rates since it is confident of exceeding client expectations on a consistent basis
  • High utilization rates of personnel, and consequently a high degree of efficiency in operations
  • A growing inclination on the part of health plans to outsource member/customer service and care management functions.

Please click here to read the profile.