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Infosys BPO wins awards at the Indian Statistical Institute’s Six-Sigma Case Study Competition

Infosys BPO’s lean six sigma process improvement teams won first prize and two special prizes at the Six Sigma Case Study Competition conducted by the Indian Statistical Institution (ISI).

Infosys BPO competed with three entries in the IT / ITES / DFSS categories which had 25 entries from several other companies. Infosys BPO won first prize for its project on Reduction of Forced Churn Percentage, which greatly reduced its client’s high level of forced subscriber churn due to fraud terminations and bad debts. The project also delivered on revenue leakage savings for the client.

The other two entries also won special prizes at the competition. The Reduction in Insufficiency Percentage project helped reduce gaps in the background verification check for new resources, resulting in a saving of $4.5 million, in addition to improving lead time. The other special prize was awarded for the Improving Regulation E Compliance project, which helped one of Infosys BPO’s clients recover a loss of over $3 million, annually.

ISI is devoted to research, teaching, applied statistics, natural sciences and social sciences. The institute, supported by other reputed national bodies, has been organizing the Six Sigma Case Study Competition annually since 2002 in five streams: manufacturing, lean, services, IT &ITES, and DFSS.

Related reading

Two special awards for Infosys BPO at the Indian Statistical Institute Six-Sigma Case Study Competition 2013