Media and Entertainment

Unveiling the diverse applications of AI in media and entertainment

AI is continuing to make waves across different industries, bringing about transformative changes in how we view efficiency, productivity, and innovation. With global AI in media and entertainment set to grow at a 26% CAGR, from $19.75 billion (in 2023) to $99.48 billion (in 2030), the media and entertainment industry is poised to take centre stage.

AI in entertainment has ushered in a new era of innovation and efficiency, with diverse applications transforming the way we produce, consume, and engage with content.

Impact of AI in the entertainment industry

The impact of AI in the entertainment industry has been significant. It has helped companies — big and small — optimise their operations as they navigate changing customer expectations and how they consume content. In the era of OTT and streaming services, where consumers have access to tens of thousands of choices, AI has distinguished itself in its capacity to offer previously unattainable insights, leading to personalised content creation.

AI and machine learning algorithms can analyse vast amounts of viewership data to offer not only personalised recommendations but also produce new viral hits based on these insights. Media and entertainment companies are also leveraging AI to enhance customer experience by automating customer service, personalising marketing communications, and improving audience engagement.

Leveraging AI in entertainment offers advantages such as:

  • Personalised content recommendations and creation for enhanced engagement
  • Enhanced production efficiency
  • Optimised marketing and promotion through audience analysis
  • Enhanced decision making
  • Reduced operational costs

Use cases of AI in media and entertainment

As AI weaves its magic across the vibrant media and entertainment landscape, it is touching and revolutionising media domains, including music, film, TV, and gaming. Technological innovations meet creative expression in the diverse use cases of AI in media and entertainment:


Starting with recommendation systems, AI in music analyses streaming data from users to not only offer recommendations but also curate personalised playlists based on their listening history, liked artists, and genre preferences. AI solutions also extend into audio mastering services, enhancing efficiency and optimising costs of music production. Some AI algorithms are also revolutionising the music industry by diving into existing compositions, identifying patterns, and composing original melodies.

Film and TV

From initial pitching to distribution and marketing, AI has emerged as a transformative force in the film and television sector. AI solutions are helping filmmakers and producers pick potential fan favourites at the pitching stage, tweak the elements of scripts to make the story more appealing, and optimise the filming schedule to optimise the production process. Post-production, AI tools are also helping streamline the editing process, create intriguing trailers, and reach the target audience efficiently.


AI in gaming is revolutionising both game design and narrative, taking the gaming experience to the next level. AI tools not only help generate procedural content—like game terrain and ambient sounds—but also produce compelling narratives, multi-dimensional NPCs, and dynamic characters. Personalisation also attains more importance with AI, as it can help customise in-game content, adapt missions and quests based on player behaviour, and adjust difficulty levels to ensure an immersive gaming experience.


AI is driving automation in the advertising sector through audience analysis and segmentation, A/B testing, real-time personalisation, and campaign optimisation through data-driven insights. AI-generated content also expedites the creative process, resulting in time and cost savings.

Book publishing

When it comes to book publishing, AI has had a transformative impact at every stage, from manuscript submission to promotion and sales. AI tools are automating manuscript submission, screening, categorisation, and evaluation to improve efficiency. AI is also simplifying the tasks of editing, proofreading, and designing while helping authors and editors fine-tune elements of narrative to forge a deeper connection with the audience. Lastly, publishers are also using AI-powered tools to streamline logistics and distribution, tracking inventory, and targeting customers across different distribution platforms to maximise reach, improve visibility, and boost sales.

The media and entertainment industry is compelled to evolve with the trends that the current generation is creating, promoting, and consuming. As a result, it becomes important for leaders in the industry to stay abreast of the trends on the horizon.
These diverse use cases highlight the impact of AI in media and entertainment. However, the entertainment industry must navigate the challenges of data privacy, biased algorithms, and the ethical use of AI in content creation. Media BPM services can help media and entertainment companies navigate these challenges and leverage the exciting opportunities AI holds for the future of entertainment.

How can Infosys BPM help?

In the customer-driven entertainment marketplace, where consumers are spoiled with choices, AI tools and media BPM services can be the key to optimising operations and getting in front of the right audience. Infosys BPM media and entertainment services can help you leverage cutting-edge technology to stay competitive in this dynamic landscape. With services supporting studios and networks, new media, publishing, and social media, Infosys BPM can help you leverage AI in media and entertainment to stand out and succeed.

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