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Innovation with BPM: The role of automation in modern mining

Mining has traditionally been labour-intensive, with a high impact on the environment. For decades, it has delivered low efficiency and carried a high risk for the workforce. However, with technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, modern mining is safer and more efficient, with a lesser impact on the environment.

With the fourth industrial revolution, mining companies are leveraging AI and robotics to move beyond mere mechanisation. It is about redefining the mining landscape with innovation and transformation in core operations and business models.

This article explains the technologies driving automation in mining and the ways in which they are making an impact.

Technologies at the forefront of automation in mining

Digital transformation in mining is about using data, automation, and real-time analytics to build intelligent and connected operations and processes. They optimise decision-making, improve data collection and analysis, and predict equipment problems. Let us understand each of these technologies in detail –

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI acts as the backbone of automation in modern mining. From predictive analysis to operational planning and waste reduction, it helps optimise various aspects. With AI, you can predict machine failure and maintenance needs before it happens. This saves costs and increases the life of the equipment.

It helps make processes efficient and complex decision-making by integrating data from different sources and deriving valuable insights.


Robotics in modern mining aims to achieve greater workplace safety with higher productivity and precision. Robots can handle repetitive and high-risk tasks in drilling, extraction, transporting, and ore processing.

Drones help in unmanned surveying, monitoring, and mapping, thus boosting the planning process. Robotic autonomous vehicles move around the mining site, transporting personnel and mined ore with greater safety and efficiency.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT uses sensors to connect different components, machines, and vehicles in the mining process to create a cohesive network with end-to-end visibility of their functioning. It helps humans respond swiftly in case of operational underperformance or breakdown.

Set up seamless communication between devices, machines, and vehicles with a centralised monitoring system. This ensures that all moving parts align and function optimally.

Machine learning (ML)

ML enhances the capability of AI to predict, analyse, and optimise processes within modern mining. This is based on a massive amount of real-time data collected from different systems, servers, cloud, internet, and IoT devices.

The algorithms also analyse geological data to detect the location and quality of the ore, thus making targeted mining easy. It also predicts impending faults in machines and equipment, therefore avoiding interruptions and high repair costs.

How is technology becoming a game-changer in mining?

The technologies discussed above are bringing a multi-dimensional change in modern mining, resulting in significant process and operational improvements –

Higher operational efficiency

From automated site exploration to drilling and blasting, automation ensures precision with lesser wastage and fragmentation of rocks. This further improves the hauling and crushing of the ore. It minimises energy consumption and maximises yield for streamlined ore processing. Lastly, IoT and robotics ensure the most efficient use of machine and human resources.

Elevated safety

Onsite accidents can stall work, cause life-threatening injuries to the workers, and may lead to litigations. Creating a safer place for workers is paramount for modern mining businesses. By doing predictive maintenance of equipment, you avoid failures that could jeopardise safety. IoT devices monitor structural and environmental safety inside mines to provide early warning and prevent accidents. Autonomous vehicles and robots conduct surveys pre- and post-blasts and transport explosives, reducing the exposure for humans.

Environmental safety

The mining industry has traditionally been a significant contributor to environmental and ecological damage. However, mining process optimisation ensures minimal damage, landscape disruption, and waste production.

Robots and autonomous vehicles running on ML-fed algorithms reduce energy consumption in machines and optimise energy-intensive processes. Lastly, you can extract the maximum ore from the rocks, thus reducing the wastage of valuable minerals.

How can Infosys BPM help?

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) continue to be the critical challenges for mining businesses. With AI and advanced analytics at Infosys BPM, you can transform planning, design and surveying, development and production, and asset and inventory management. The utility further expands to cover enterprise functions such as accounts, finance, human resources, legal and compliance, and procurement.

Read more about business process management in mining at Infosys BPM.