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Who we are

Infosys BPM Aguadilla, located in the northwestern tip of Puerto Rico and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, is the home to the most beautiful beaches and scenic landscapes in the Caribbean.

We established our operations in Aguadilla on November 1, 2013, specializing in order management and customer support services for the Aerospace & Defense Industry. We also provide IT support services for the Health care industry.

With a highly qualified and competitive workforce of over 150 professionals, we support clients across the United States, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Our primary focus is customer satisfaction.

Infosys Aguadilla is a promising regional hub for Infosys, and a center of excellence for the aviation and aerospace industry, as we continue to deliver enhanced business value to clients across multiple industries, including healthcare and the government sectors locally and across the globe.

Puerto Rico DC

Working at Infosys Puerto Rico

Infosys BPM Puerto Rico has a resilient workforce of US citizens living the C-LIFE values and are well placed to provide services to ITAR and PubSec activities with no restrictions whatsoever with an added advantage of located in the Atlanta Standard Time Zone.

Infosys Aguadilla provides family friendly environment and immense learning opportunities to encourage continued professional and personal growth. We are committed to driving inclusion programs that promote a strong sense of belonging and foster a work environment that follows the 4 H’s – Head, Heart, Health, and Happiness – a mantra that encourages us towards a wholesome growth.

We believe in and live a life of heightened awareness with empathy towards our environment and community as a whole, and support causes like Breast Cancer awareness, Blood Donation drives, Psoriasis clinics, and Clean Beach initiatives. Some of the organizations we regularly interact with and support include

  • Animal Shelter- “Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asis”
  • Elderly Home- “Hogar San Jose in Mayaguez”
  • Samaritans Operation Christmas Child
  • Children’s Home- “Hogar Jesus de Nazaret”

Interesting Facts

  • 61% females and 42% males
  • Active collaboration with local universities and colleges to promote work opportunities for recent graduates.
  • 100% bilingual staff- Spanish & English
  • Large pool of skilled workforce (from 50 + Universities) readily available

Our People

What Our People Say



Contact Us

Infosys BPM Ltd
Road #2 West of KM 126
Bo. Caimital Bajo
Aguadilla PR 00603

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