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Who we are

Infosys Brazil has a strong presence with an experienced, trained and qualified workforce of more than 800 professionals. The Delivery Center operates under a hybrid model, offering unique solutions with the combined specialties of BPM, ITO and Consulting Services.

Our key BPM service offerings include Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Sourcing and Procurement and Customer Service across industries such as Manufacturing, Insurance, Retail and Consumer Goods.

Philippines DC

Working at Infosys Brazil

Brazil is an economic powerhouse of over 200 million Portuguese speakers. The Brazilian Portuguese language is an essential skill for many international companies, considering the significant role that Brazil plays in world economics and commerce.

We excel in building rapport and relationships with clients and colleagues. Collaboration is another key strength of our work culture. We believe in effectively working with our colleagues. We are also known for nurturing a positive attitude even when presented with challenging situations.

Interesting facts

With a lower than average attrition, Infosys Brazil, has a vibrant workforce with strong training grounds in the delivery centers.

63% of workforce comprises of female employees, occupying most of the senior leadership role for the center.

We have capabilities to provide services in Portuguese, Spanish and English.


Our People

What Our People Say



Contact Us

São Paulo
Av Luis Carlos Berrini, 105 - Thera Corporate Building - 10° floor
04571-010 - São Paulo - SP- Brazil
Phone number: +55 11 3198-4400
Belo Horizonte / Nova Lima
Rua da Paisagem,
220 – Lumiere Building – 5° floor
34006-059 - Nova Lima - Minas Gerais -Brazil
Phone number: +55 31 3306-8998
Rio de Janeiro
Praia de Botafogo, 228 - Cond. Edificio Argentina Building – Room 1201 B2
22250-145 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Phone Number: +55 21 3512-7901

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