Business adoption on enterprise GIS – aligning to an optimized roadmap
TThe technology and platform industries are witnessing the increasing need of their client in adopting the comprehensive strategy to address their end-to-end operational needs. The conventional method of having spatial maintenance system is now transforming as an integrated system within the organization, such that user’s adoption is increasing towards the simplification, optimization and automation of the inventory network services. A finding by Mr. Geoff Zeiss states that this can improve productivity by up to 60-70 % by integrating graphical design, enforcement of engineering standards, and integration with enterprise systems.
Thus, industries that work on the maintenance of physical inventory have started working on the program to bring out a consolidated enterprise GIS system that involves full digitalization of inventory systems. Read on more to understand how the current trend of the enterprise or integrated GIS has been embraced by all the utilities and telecom companies across the globe.