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Unlocking business success through financial literacy

Unlocking business success through financial literacy

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Taxation Service

Tax compliance is a decisive, statutory and mandatory activity which takes a lot of bandwidth, involving strong domain resources to ensure compliance with complex legislative procedures. Businesses invest considerable man-hours in performing tax activities. They are country-specific and also undergo regular changes due to periodic changes in the acts and rules governing these tax laws. To enhance business outcomes across taxation accounting, VAT accounting and reporting, we partner with our clients to consolidate and harmonize their processes and meet all tax compliance requirements.


Why us?

Our deep expertise in enterprise reporting, analysis and planning, accounting, and tax support enables us to design, transform, and manage operations that deliver substantial business outcomes. Some of the key highlights of our tax automation capabilities are as follows:

  • More than 150 tax specialists.
  • A dedicated, professionally qualified, highly experienced, global, expert group of tax advisors that form a team under the ‘Tax Centre of Excellence’.
  • Skilled resources with more than 15 years of tax experience and handling over 30 jurisdictions
  • Global delivery model catering to regions across the globe, especially EMEA, APAC and NAM
  • Partnerships with the Big Fours and tax tool providers for wider geographic coverage and customized offerings
  • Handling a wide spectrum of tax service including direct tax (business/corporate tax), indirect tax (VAT / GST / SUT / state and local tax / other sales tax), other tax (withholding tax, payroll tax, etc.)

Enhance user experience


How we deliver value?

What differentiates us in the tax support services space is our focus on achieving the objective of accuracy, completeness and timeliness in tax compliance with a holistic approach of:

  • Delivering operational efficiencies through quality drivers in processes like lean and six sigma across our accounting and tax solutions
  • Creating workflow and streamlining the activities with best-in-class processes
  • Strengthening internal controls, developing control mechanisms and improving quality checks
  • Rendering end-to-end tax process support:
    • from : tax coding, tax accounting, return preparation, computation, etc.
    • to : review, reporting, return filing, audit support, and knowledge management
  • Identifying scope for process transformation and developing a mutually agreed framework
  • Automation of manual processes in taxation services, RPA integration and bundling with artificial intelligence.
  • Reskilling and continuous knowledge management of resources in tax compliance solutions and training on legal changes
  • Combining skilled people with the best of technology by using the latest tax automation software and tools, etc.

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