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Supplier Relationship Management Solutions

Infosys BPM supplier management solutions include Supplier Performance Management (SPM), Contract performance Management (CPM) and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). At Infosys BPM, SPM and CPM are category management enabling capabilities that are applied to manage suppliers to annualized, rolling category plans thereby helping manage suppliers to KPIs and enabling performance benchmarking and compliance (client and supplier) to contracted terms and conditions.

Infosys BPM Supplier Management Framework

  • Infosys BPM applies a segmented supplier management model to segment client spend. This model recognizes the category of suppliers and seeks to match the nature and level effort applied to a supplier with the potential value available and/or the level of risk to be managed.
  • We do not use a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Our ‘Fit for purpose’ approach is tailored for each supplier segment i.e. for Strategic (tier1), Managed (tier2), Preferred (tier 3) and tactical (tier 4) suppliers within the category management frameworks.
  • On the digital front, we leverage - intelligent sourcing mechanisms, advanced analytics, and machine learning / Artificial Intelligence (AI) - to identify strategic suppliers, evaluate ongoing supplier relationships metrics based on pre-defined business criteria, and auto-select / recommend a supplier for a particular transaction.

This results in the following measurement:

  • Clearly defined process and performance metrics
  • Clearly defined retained and externalized supplier management roles
  • Tiered, fit for purpose model
  • Value-focused program leading to risk mitigation, supplier performance improvement, and strategic supplier innovation.
Supplier Relationship Management Models

Enhance your supplier interactions by leveraging our solutions

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