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Service Parts Management: Challenges and Opportunities

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Sales Process Management Services

Our Sales Process Management solution offering spans the entire order-to-cash cycle, providing you with transactional, rule-based, knowledge-based, and judgment-based services.


Focus Areas

Our sales process management offering addresses the below primary issues in the sector:

  • Disparate processes.
  • Lack of process standardization across geographies.
  • Multiple systems across locations.
  • Diverse technology landscape.
  • Lack of governance, workflow, monitoring and tracking.
  • Manual processes.
  • Poor On-Time and In-Full (OTIF) reliability.

Range of Sales Process Management Services

Our dedicated team of sales data management experts collaborate with you to provide these specialized offerings:

Master data management

  • Catalog management
  • Customer data management

Order receipt and entry

  • Customer support
  • Order validation
  • Discount validation
  • Holds management
  • Order booking

Order administration and fulfillment

  • Change / expedition / cancellation of orders
  • Contract management
  • Helpdesk support

Customer invoice / billing

  • Billing material collection
  • Invoice consolidation
  • Invoice presentation

Order analytics

  • Predictive analytics on order processing cycle time
  • SLA adherence prediction
  • Order hold type prediction (Order level/Line item level)

Industries We Serve

Infosys BPM's Sales solution has been deployed successfully in many industries such as pharmaceuticals, communication service providers (CSP), automobiles, aerospace, retail and consumer product goods (CPG), and media and entertainment.

Hi-tech and discrete manufacturing

The Hi-tech industry is underlined by over 2,500 full-time employees (FTEs), serving 10 clients in more- than-a-billion-dollar revenue bracket. Successful delivery of services coupled with domain expertise, gathered over the last five years, has elevated us as one of the top service providers in the order-to-cash space. Our diverse domain knowledge puts us in a unique position to serve clients as transformation partners. Now, the focus is to strengthen our foothold and enhance revenue productivity through platform BPM offerings. Niche judgment-based services are also seen as probable deliverables.

Retail / CPG

The Retail and CPG industry offerings include online catalog retailing, food retailing, and brokerage and distribution spaces with potential for offshoring. The order management BPM offering focuses on interactions between CPG companies and large retail chains, distributors and wholesalers. Solution offerings in the retail space are order management, catalog and customer data management.

Automobile and aerospace

The Automobile and Aerospace industry's offshoring potential in order management lies with tier-1 suppliers (standard parts, systems and component suppliers) that supply to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and part distributors respectively. Order validation, processing, and catalog management are some order management solution offerings in this space.


The Pharmaceuticals industry has immense offshoring potential in order management, including commercial and clinical supplies, and clinical trial space. Solutions to be developed are database and workflow management, drug supply and tracking, and reconciliation, in addition to simple order-to-cash services.

Communication service providers (CSP)

For Communication Service Providers, the scope of order management includes revenue assurance and billing areas of the ETOM framework. Key functions that require the development of solutions include order capture and provisioning, service design, composition and activation, and billing.

Media and entertainment

Considerable outsourcing/offshoring in the advertising and circulation order management space in the Media and Entertainment industry, poses several opportunities for Infosys BPM. Advertisement creation and design presents high revenue productivity. The emergence of digital media and its growing prominence as a medium for information communication implies digital ad creation and hosting opportunities.

Sales Offering Industries

Business Outcomes

Our diverse domain knowledge puts us in a unique position to function as transformational partners. Our wide range of sales process management services provide the following primary benefits:

  • Uniform customer experience across locations.
  • Standardized processes to enhance scalability.
  • Rigorous monitoring and tracking.
  • Enhanced governance.
  • Focus on operations’ metrics to impact key business metrics.

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